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Showing posts from June, 2012


I don't mind waiting for you entire life... but does that mean;  you 'll keep me waiting entire life? I don't mind living without you.. but does that mean; you'll let me live alone? I don't mind saying 'I love you' first but does that mean; you'll not take that step first..? I don't mind you not confessing but does that mean; you'll never confess it at all..? I don't mind dying with your love but does that mean; you'll let me die without being loved.? I don't mind your absence but does that an opportunity for you to take away your presence from my life..? I don't mind dreaming and desiring you but does that mean; you 'll not give those dreams and desires a chance..? I don't mind standing alone but does that mean; you don't be an all time companion I waited for.........???? PS - I love you..