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My tyrst with development communication-Part1

In our past, roots lies of what happens to us in the present. In my bachelors, first semester, 6th class Sunaiana mam advised me, after reading my piece, you should go for development journalism. It will suit you.
When I came back to my seat, I knew I will definitely ignore this advice. And I did, until when I out of curiosity googled ‘development journalism and its future prospects’, it fascinated me, but not that much, that I will make my career out of it. I am P sainath follower, so somewhat I related to it.
In second semester, when external examiner came for viva, disaster happened. He asked me what I want to be. Though I was in dilemma, but to sound impressive I claimed that I wanted to be a development journalist. He asked me what will be included in this journalism?I said “ideas of change, how to change the social mindset for development, gender and thinking. The far sighted visionary got enraged and roared “this is no definition, you invented your own. It does not exist, may be in future you can, but for toady you are wrong”. The examiner sitting next to him gave me sarcastic smile; I reciprocated it with sarcastic silence. Later, he took revenge, by giving me 75 marks. ‘Marks are obsolete tool of obsolete people.’
When Modi was addressing children on this teacher’s day, I felt instead he should have lectured to 'this school of teachers'.
Then for next two semesters I was occupied with play writing, training, internships and other irrelevant emotions of life did not think of development journalism anymore. Like any other person of my age, in 5th semester I was confused where to go for masters. Getting into premier institutes was still pressure for me no matter I pretend to dislike education system, I am schooling-atheist, don’t believe in regressive teaching ways and blah, blah.
Mean while feminism fire took over my mind and soul, I wanted to do nothing, but women studies. Youngsters like me thing, we can change the world, we are fearless, but in reality, we are cowards, we fear what will happen if. While, I was still confused about what to study, I applied for development communication reluctantly. See the irony I applied for this and I was preparing for women studies. Only a fool does that.
Then 2014 general elections came, opposition party campaigned for elections as if they were campaigning for life. Word 'Development' became phrase. I thought next government may not do anything but they will provide ample job opportunities for development communicators, thought- that bears no coincidence with reality. Also that opened my doors to literature on concept of development, I knew newspapers and magazine will seize the moment to print editorial and opinions on development. The next naïve thought was that it will help me in my entrance exam.
But media disappointed me, apart from few newspapers and TV channels,the rest of the media failed me with their coverage. Exception was ravish ki report. But the surprise was my entrance that did not have anything to do with what I read, however the interview was amazing. Thereby I made it to development communication.
On our first day, we were asked to introduce ourselves and why we chose this course,( both the clichéd approach towards newcomers.)all most every professor asked the same question and each time my answered varied slightly from the previous,I remember ,last time I introduced myself my answer was extraordinarily different from the first day. We are the luckiest best; we got 5 alumni interaction in just one month. All the alumni were fantastic; their profile was amazing and their packages even better. I would quote Gitanjali Babbar,Katkatha founder “after you guys complete your course, take bag travel all over without money, you would come to know what development communication is all about. It’s easier to sympathies with beggars, but when you don’t have money and you have to beg to fruit vendor for an apple (because hunger knows no principle), you would know what beggar feels”.
While I was about to post this blog, Sharad Sharma came to our campus with his stereotype breaking workshop on grassroots comics as a development communication tool. His three day workshop changed our mindsets and stereotypes. His medium is so democratic that anyone with story in his mind can go and tell his narrative, no editorial checks, no censorship, and no political pressure. One can use this tool to bring social change in the areas, where big guns in media can never reach. When media has become capitalist and imperialist, such groundbreaking trends are hope. Just go create caricatures and write dialogues and convey your story. No expenses as such, just basic stationary and 2 A4 sheets and one becomes comics’ journalist.
It’s been one and half month since I am exploring development communication. The best thing about this course is that it is making me unlearn what I have been learning for last 17-18 years of my life. I think best education is that, which gives opportunity to its disciples to unlearn what it has taught them over the years.
At times life knows what is best for you.
Knows what you deserve and gives your due.


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