Life what a
teacher you have been
Giving right
lessons at right time
So that crap
doesn’t consume my sheen.
You killed
some of my petty dreams
To let the
giant ones take birth
Debris of
shattered dreams disappointed
But you made
me forge the mightiest
If not those
hard moments
When thee tested
I would have
been an ordinary being,
You were
harsh so that
Weak in me
should die forever
Fearful tears
would not again let me shiver.
I broke from
the fever.
Loss became victory.
Why? How? When?
It still remains a mystery
How that cry
child became fearless woman.
How silence
became the furious roar.
I have
become what I never imagined before.
Since then,
inside there has been revolutionary beam
Yes life what
a teacher, you have been.
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