Last Laugh: USA win customary gold lead, read Express headline .Below
the headline, there was medal tally in which USA was at top with total
of 119 medals and India stands 67 with meager count of two.
Discouraging and disappointing way to begin morning!
In college in few of our social development classes we discussed sports as one of the indicators for the development of any country. The medal tally tells why all the developed countries take away the medals. They must have realized years ago what we are to understand and realize as yet. Sports add value to the human existence. It teaches us the importance of discipline, keeping body active, doing physical labour, embracing losses and knowing what it takes to win. It's while sweating in field we learn team spirit the best.
But in our country parents still tell young ones, "don't play you would get hurt", Indians are afraid of getting hurt a lot; they play safe without taking enough risks and challenging themselves each day. (which even I don’t do!!)
Talking about Schools –Schools are not just discouraging academically but for sports as well.
In my school we had physical education subject where no physical activity was ever done except for the PT on rare occasions. We were just asked to make file because it would fetch us grades. That was its worth.
All my friends who missed the classes during their inter school competitions; have to toil hard to complete the missed syllabus. There was no arrangement for the missed classes for them.
While we were taking inputs form Children from marginalized communities on National Education Policy, Children said their schools did not have playgrounds .If there were playgrounds then they were not accessible or inclusive for everyone. A visually impaired girl said, she was continuously discouraged from playing in the school.
Stars are not born overnight, but there are several factors behind ordinary person rising to stardom. This is such a common sense thing .But when we apply our common sense to see things. We are always ready for intellectual and revolutionary solutions to everything. After Olympics, those who win remain in limelight; they would be garlanded with flowers and perks. Nobody would care that, for excelling in sports one needs excellent infrastructure, medical and nutritional support along with attitude change. That would be too painstaking right? Why bother?
The institution where we discussed sports as development indicator in the same institution, students were asked not to play football in the campus.
Discouraging and disappointing way to begin morning!
In college in few of our social development classes we discussed sports as one of the indicators for the development of any country. The medal tally tells why all the developed countries take away the medals. They must have realized years ago what we are to understand and realize as yet. Sports add value to the human existence. It teaches us the importance of discipline, keeping body active, doing physical labour, embracing losses and knowing what it takes to win. It's while sweating in field we learn team spirit the best.
But in our country parents still tell young ones, "don't play you would get hurt", Indians are afraid of getting hurt a lot; they play safe without taking enough risks and challenging themselves each day. (which even I don’t do!!)
Talking about Schools –Schools are not just discouraging academically but for sports as well.
In my school we had physical education subject where no physical activity was ever done except for the PT on rare occasions. We were just asked to make file because it would fetch us grades. That was its worth.
All my friends who missed the classes during their inter school competitions; have to toil hard to complete the missed syllabus. There was no arrangement for the missed classes for them.
While we were taking inputs form Children from marginalized communities on National Education Policy, Children said their schools did not have playgrounds .If there were playgrounds then they were not accessible or inclusive for everyone. A visually impaired girl said, she was continuously discouraged from playing in the school.
Stars are not born overnight, but there are several factors behind ordinary person rising to stardom. This is such a common sense thing .But when we apply our common sense to see things. We are always ready for intellectual and revolutionary solutions to everything. After Olympics, those who win remain in limelight; they would be garlanded with flowers and perks. Nobody would care that, for excelling in sports one needs excellent infrastructure, medical and nutritional support along with attitude change. That would be too painstaking right? Why bother?
The institution where we discussed sports as development indicator in the same institution, students were asked not to play football in the campus.
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